Wednesday 23 November 2011

Somewhere Brief

task 1
to produce work using suitable image manipulation techniques.

Somewhere you can only go in your dreams.                                             

Somewhere colourful.                                                                                
Somewhere you would be happy to sit all day.                                  
Somewhere powerful.                                                                
Somewhere you can only go to make wishes.                                    
Somewhere dark.                                                                      
If you wanted to keep an eye on a place, where would it be?                 
If you had to leave your heart somewhere, where would it be?                
Somewhere you can hide.                                                            
Somewhere you visit often.                                                          
Somewhere secret.                                                                     
Somewhere you idolise.                                                              
If you had to leave your nose somewhere where would it be?                
Somewhere you really shouldn’t go.           

task 2
investigate and analyse the use of a range of digital image manipulation techniques in others work.

research information on image manipulation: use internet, library textbooks and magazines. record by discussing this information. find 5 photographers who use image manipulation software to create their images, record examples of their work, through group discussion and individual selection score from 1 to 10. the photographer you scored the highest from that list, highlight the techniques they use and discuss how this manipulation effects the final outcome of their work.

task 3
discuss through evaluating, analysing and reviewing the images that you have presented for your outcomes.
reflect on the genres of photography: discussing the overall visual effect, how you created the image, camera settings used.
record your review by discussing how you would alter or improve your submission if you were to do it again.

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